Book of astracts
Plenary Lecture 1 : Martine de Mazière (BIRA – IASB)
Monitoring the Earth atmosphere composition using infrared spectrometry
Plenary Lecture 2 : Olivier Deparis (UNamur)
Parchments & skins: physical methods for the identification of animal species in historical manuscripts
Young Speaker Contest
– Photonics for personal thermal regulation
Muluneh G. Abebe (UMons)
– Exploring the Higgs sector at LHC and Future Colliders
Paola Mastrapasqua (UCLouvain)
– Mechanisms of DNA-mediated allostery
Midas Segers (KULeuven)
Parallel sessions
- Astronomy, Astrophysics, Geophysics, and Plasma Physics
- Biophysics and medical physics
- Condensed Matter and Nanophysics
- Fundamental interactions, Particle and Nuclear Physics
- Physics and Education (in French)
- Quantum Physics, Atoms, Molecules, and Optics
Organizing committee:
- Prof. Yves Caudano (UNamur)
- Prof. Luc Henrard (UNamur)
- Prof. Michaël Lobet (UNamur)
- Prof. Anne-Sophie Libert (UNamur)
- Dr. Sébastien Mouchet (UNamur)
- Dr. Bastien Vispoel (UNamur)
Scientific committee:
- Prof. Yves Caudano (UNamur)
- Prof. Luc Henrard (UNamur)
- Prof. Anne-Sophie Libert (UNamur)
- Prof. Michaël Lobet (UNamur)
- Prof. Fabrice Louche (RMA)
- Dr. Sébastien Mouchet (UNamur)
- Prof. Jozef Ongena (RMA, President of the BPS)
- Dr. Bastien Vispoel (UNamur)