Belgian Physical Society general scientific meeting 2022


Plenary session

Nuclear fisssion – un unexpected charm, an inexhaustible wealth
Eric van Walle (SCK CEN)

Nuclear fusion research in Belgium and Europe: status and latest results
Yevgen Kazakov (ERM-KMS)

Exoplanets or the quest for other worlds
Michaël Gillon (University of Liège)

Young speaker contest

Complexity in integrale and chaotic quantum systems
Marine De Clerck (VUB)

Understanding the effect of beyond-Fröhlich interactions on large polarons
Matthew Houtput (UAntwerp)

Deep learning for the study of ultra high energy cosmic rays
Orazio Zapparata (ULB)

Physics session

Materials design through ensemble learning: when the avarege model knows best
Danny E.P. Vanpoucke (UHasselt)

Inverse atmospheric transport modelling for identifying Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty violations
Pieter De Meutter (SCK CEN)

Transparent for humans, visile for birds: UV-reflecting coating for bird-safe window
Sébastien R. Mouchet (Unamur, University of Exeter)

Planetary states of the Sr atom
Matthieu Génévriez (UCLouvain)

Growth mechanisms of CVD Diamond
Emerick Guillaume (UHasselt, IMOMEC)

Education session

SCK CEN Academy’s STEM initiatives and perception study on nuclear science and technology
Lisanne Van Puyvelde (SCK CEN)

Artificial intelligence for materials industry: an open online course
Michaël Sluydts (UGent)

Online learning that is worrth it in a post-pandemic world
Stefaan Cottenier (UGent)

Workshop on Problem Based Learning
Katleen Denolf (UHasselt)


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