Belgian Physical Society general scientific meeting 2021



Plenary sessions

Surface Science: Research at the interface of physics, chemistry and materials
Ulrike Diebold – TU Wien

Noise and butterflies: Weather and climate prediction in a world of uncertainties
Roberto Buizza – Scuola Superiore Saint’Anna

Young Speaker contest

Plenary presentation
Belgium celebrates 200 years of the metric system
Nick Schryvers, University of Antwerp

Poster Session

Parallel sessions

  • Astrophysics, Geophysics and Plasma physics
  • Biophysics and Medical physics
  • Mathematical and statistical physics
  • Condensed matter and Nanophysics
  • Fundamental interactions, Particle and Nuclear physics
  • Quantum physics, Atoms and Optics
  • Physics and education

Organizing committee:

Prof. Frank Renner
Prof. Bart Cleuren


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