Belgian Physical Society general scientific meeting 2019

Download the full programme with hyperlinks to the abstracts (book of abstracts)

Invited Plenary Lectures

  • Prof. Hamid Aît Abderrahim (SCK-CEN, Mol, Belgium) : The MYRRHA project
  • Prof. Vladimir Tikhonchuk (Université de Bordeaux) : Physics of matter under intense radiation fields under study at the ELI and Laser Megajoule laboratories

Young Speakers Contest

  • Marco Di Liberto (ULB): Realization of Aharonov-Bohm Cages in Photonic Lattices
  • Daniela Mockler (ULB): Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum with the Pierre Auger Observatory
  • Johan Van der Tol (KULeuven): Cluster gasses: when the equipartition theorem loses its validity

Parallel sessions

Fundamental Interactions, Particle and Nuclear Physics

  • Gudrun Hiller (University of Dortmund, Germany) Flavor physics as a window to new physics
  • Luca Mantani (UCLouvain) Top-quark electroweak interactions at high energy
    Vandecasteele Jérôme (ULB) Feebly Interacting Dark Matter through the Kinetic Mixing Portal
  • Sam Junius (VUB & ULB) A feeble window on leptophilic dark matter
    Tom Cornelis (UGent) Search for heavy neutral leptons with the CMS detector
    Aleksandra Lelek (UAntwerpen) The Parton Branching method: new precision level in collider predictions
  • Cintia Willemyns (UMons) Baryon spectrum in the large N c limit
  • Iaroslav Meleshenkovskii (SCK-CEN & ULB) An artificially intelligent look on the uranium enrichment determination problem using X- and gamma-ray spectroscopy: introducing a new isotopic code CAMILA for CZT and LaBr3(Ce)

Condensed Matter and Nanostructure Physics

  • Mark Geoghegan (University of Sheffield, UK) How surface topography, properties, and nanostructure controls single polymer interfacial diffusion
  • Shova Neupane (UHasselt) Controlling Localized Corrosion by Lateral Modification of Surfactant Inhibitors
  • Kristof Moors (KULeuven) Supersonic flow and negative local resistance in hydrodynamic Dirac electron nozzles
  • Andra Iordanescu (UCLouvain) Interferometric measurement of an electrically-biased tip perturbation
  • Serghei Klimin (UAntwerpen) Collective excitations in one- and two-band condensed
  • Piero Ferrari (KULeuven) The influence of palladium doping on the geometry and the stability of small cationic gold clusters
  • Michael Sluydts (UGent) The road to accuracy: machine-learning-accelerated silicon ab initio simulations

Bio-, Medical, Statistical & Mathematical Physics

  • Francesc Sagués (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain) The microtubule/kinesin system: A versatile realization of an active nematic
  • Karel Proesmans (UHasselt) A perfect spring
    Hennie Valkenier (ULB) Synthetic Receptors for the Transmembrane Transport of Anions
  • Francesca Cecchet (UNamur) Shedding light on nanoparticles/cell membranes membranes interactions with nonlinear optical spectroscopy
  • Joseph Indekeu (KULeuven) Solving nonlinear differential equations by analytic iteration
  • Derick Yongabi (KULeuven) Detection of cell-material interactions and beyond -A QCM-D study of yeast, bacteria and human cells
  • Stefanos K. Nomidis (KULeuven) Twist-bend coupling: A twist in DNA mechanics
  • Frederik Vreys (UHasselt) Towards lab-on-card, label-free enzyme immunoassays based on electrical impedance spectroscopy

Atoms, Molecules, Optics, and Photonics

  • Stephen Hogan (University College London) Matter-wave interferometry with highly excited atoms
  • Senne Van Loon (UAntwerpen) Transition from supersonic to subsonic waves in superfluid Fermi gases
  • Jérôme Deprince (UMons) X-ray emission from highly-ionized iron ions embedded in high-density astrophysical plasmas
  • Arnaud Dochain (UCLouvain) Mutual Neutralization Studies of S/O anions and Na/Ne cations at Low Collision Energy
  • Dolf Huybrechts (UAntwerpen) Cluster Gutzwiller Monte Carlo approach for a driven-dissipative spin model
  • Michaël Lobet (ULiège) Photonic management using opal-like crystals in perovskite solar cells
  • Wout Van Alphen (UAntwerpen) Dynamics of the decay of dark solitons in superfluid Fermi gases

Astrophysics, Geophysics, and Plasma Physics

  • Simone Russo (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy) Half a degree and rapid socioeconomic development matter for heatwave risk
  • Elisa Pinat (Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels) Measuring snow seasonal variations in Antarctica with GPS
  • Brecht Laperre (KULeuven) Prediction of the Dst-index using a Long Short-Term Memory network
  • Jozef Ongena (LPP/ERM-KMS) Physics applications of ion-cyclotron heating on Wendelstein 7-X
  • Dirk Van Eester (LPP/ERM-KMS) The challenge of modelling wave propagation and damping in hot, magnetised plasmas in fusion machines
  • Aurélien Sourie (ULB) Constraining the interior of neutron stars with gravitational-wave observations

Physics and Education

  • Domien Van der Elst: Using Technology to provide pupils access to the best physics teachers
  • Bart Huyskens (SJI Schoten, Antwerpen) Air quality measurement and “Internet of Things” in the STEM classroom practice
  • Philippe Leonard (ULB) Challenge labs
  • Philippe Leonard (ULB) Visit of the ULB Experimentarium

Organizing committee:

  • Prof. Barbara Clerbaux (ULB)
  • Prof. Gilles De Lentdecker (ULB, Vice-president of the BPS)
  • Prof. Thomas Gilbert (ULB)
  • Prof. Patricia Losada Perez (ULB)
  • Prof. Simone Napolitano (ULB)
  • Prof. Simona Toscano (ULB)
  • Prof. Peter Schlagheck (ULiege)

Scientific committee:

  • Prof. Barbara Clerbaux (ULB)
  • Prof. Gilles De Lentdecker (ULB, Vice-president of the BPS)
  • Prof. Thomas Gilbert (ULB)
  • Prof. Patricia Losada Perez (ULB)
  • Prof. Fabrice Louche (RMA)
  • Prof. Simone Napolitano (ULB)
  • Prof. Jozef Ongena (RMA, President of the BPS)
  • Prof. Simona Toscano (ULB)
  • Prof. Xavier Urbain (UCLouvain)


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