Belgian Journal of Physics – 2023
Welcome to the Belgian Journal of Physics section of the Belgian Physical Society (BPS). Stay up-to-date with the latest events, discoveries, and advancements in the field of physics. From colloquiums and congresses to insightful articles on various topics, our aim is to keep you informed and inspired. Join our community of physicists and explore the fascinating world of physics with BPS.
Belgian Physical Society – Magazine 2023/1
• Simple systems, complicated physics – An interview with Nir Navon (B. Jorissen & L. Fernandes)
• Research activities in quantum physics and technology in Belgium (N. Cerf)
• Research activities in statistical physics in Belgium (E. Carlon & B. Cleuren)
• Research activities in nuclear physics in Belgium (N. Severijns)
• Time-dependent detector simulations for deep-learning algorithms applied in the study of the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (O. Zapparrata et al.)
• The path integral approach for the Bose polaron at weak coupling (T. Ichmoukhamedov & J. Tempere)
• Core disruptive accident in heavy liquid metal fast reactor cast study: MYRRHA (D. Petrovic et al)