Belgian Physical Society – Magazine 2023/1
  • Simple systems, complicated physics – An interview with Nir Navon (B. Jorissen & L. Fernandes)
  • Research activities in quantum physics and technology in Belgium (N. Cerf)
  • Research activities in statistical physics in Belgium (E. Carlon & B. Cleuren)
  • Research activities in nuclear physics in Belgium (N. Severijns)
  • Time-dependent detector simulations for deep-learning algorithms applied in the study of the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (O. Zapparrata et al.)
  • The path integral approach for the Bose polaron at weak coupling (T. Ichmoukhamedov & J. Tempere)
  • Core disruptive accident in heavy liquid metal fast reactor cast study: MYRRHA (D. Petrovic et al)


Edition: 1
Year: 2023
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