For those who want to know what the Einstein telescope is, what it looks like and how it works, there is an expo in FacThory in Thor Park from 1 October to 6 December. Organiser POM-Limburg wants to demonstrate the economic impact. Read more.

For those who want to know what the Einstein telescope is, what it looks like and how it works, there is an expo in FacThory in Thor Park from 1 October to 6 December. Organiser POM-Limburg wants to demonstrate the economic impact. Read more.
The physics Nobel prize was awarded this year to two of the founders of machine learning based on neural networks. Their work took inspiration from solid-state and statistical physics (as do other models, like the Ising machine based on the Ising model). Combined with...
On 25 June 2024, after the first concepts in 1998 and the government's decision in 2018 to build MYRRHA in phases, the moment has finally arrived. Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten gave the starting signal for the groundbreaking ceremony at the MINERVA...
Check out the new open access paper by Kevin Anthony Kaw et al. from the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Direct probing of low-energy intra d-band transitions in gas-phase cobalt clusters LinkedIn message
Beleef de oerknal onder de Schelde!Sint-Anna Voetgangerstunnel wordt uniek fysica-labo… Van 13 tot en met 23 februari transformeert de Universiteit Antwerpen de voetgangerstunnel tot deeltjesversneller met een spectaculaire licht- en geluidsinstallatie, in...