
Preliminary programme

8:30 Registration and coffee (Atrium Building I)

9:00 -12:30 Plenary session (Room I.2.03)

9:00 Welcome address (BPS President, J. Ongena)

9:10 Plenary lecture 1 – Prof. Marc Van Montagu, The Physics of the living World

10:00 Plenary lecture 2 – Prof. Nick Van Remortel, Einstein Telescope: a new window on the universe

10:50 Coffee break

11:15 Young speaker contest (Chair: F. Louche)

Lucas Levrouw,Exploring the curious dynamics of vortices in superfluid Fermi gases

Maria Luisa Alonso, Tagle Unlocking atmospheric escape to model oxygen loss on Earth

Robin Van Den Abeele,Topology-guided solution for treating atrial tachycardia 

12:30 – 14:30 Walking Lunch and Poster (Atrium Building I)

14:30 – 16:45 Parallel sessions:

Astrophysics, Geophysics and Plasma Physics (Room I.1.04)Chairs: Kristel Crombé (UGent)

Biological, Medical, Statiscal and Mathematical Physics (Room I.1.05)Chairs: Yves Gossuin (UMons), Bart Cleuren (UHasselt)

Condensed Matter and Nanostructure Physics (Room I.1.06)Chairs: Frank Renner (UHasselt), Marc Debliquy (UMons)

Fundamental Interactions, Nuclear and Particle Physics (Room I.2.03)Chairs: Barbara Clerbaux (ULB), Stijn Buitink (VUB)

Atoms, Molecules, Optics and Photonics (Room I.1.07)Chair: Xavier Urbain (UCLouvain)

Physics and Education (Room I.1.08)
Chair: Mieke De Cock (KUL)

16:45 – 17:15 Poster Session
17:15 – 18:30 Closing ceremony: prizes and reception 
(Atrium Build. I)