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Belgian Physical Society general scientific meeting 2023

UNamur Rue Grafé 2, Namur, Belgium

Full conference program Book of astracts Plenary Lecture 1 : Martine de Mazière (BIRA – IASB)Monitoring the Earth atmosphere composition using infrared spectrometry (link) Plenary Lecture 2 : Olivier Deparis (UNamur)Parchments & skins: physical methods for the identification of animal species in historical manuscripts Young Speaker Contest - Photonics for personal thermal regulationMuluneh G. Abebe […]

Young Minds Physics Quiz 2024

UCLouvain Pl. de l'Université 1, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Welcome to our Quiz Night event tailored for researchers. Get ready for an evening of fun, camaraderie, and intellectual challenge as we test your knowledge across various topics! Join us for an exciting Quiz Night specially designed to engage researchers in a friendly and competitive atmosphere. This event offers an opportunity to unwind, socialize with […]

Colloquium organized by the Belgian National Committee of Pure and Applied Physics

Unversitaire Stichting - Fondation Universitaire Rue d'Egmont 11, Brussels, Belgium

The Nature of Time in Physics This topic is particularly timely, given the award of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics to to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier "for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter". View programme. More information will become available via […]

Belgian Physical Society general scientific meeting 2024

VUB Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, Belgium

Committees Organizing Committee: Alberto Mariotti (VUB) Michael Tytgat (VUB) Gilles De Lentdecker (ULB) View the laureates of the Scientific Prizes.The Belgian Physical Society General Scientific Meeting 2024 is supported by: FWO FNRS EJP Journals Institute Solvay Programme   8:30 Registration and coffee (Atrium Building I) 9:00 -12:30 Plenary session (Room I.2.03) 9:00 Welcome address (BPS President, J. Ongena) 9:10 Plenary lecture 1 – Prof. […]

50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics

Palacio de Congresos Salamanca Cuesta de Oviedo, Salamanca, Spain

Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasma Beam Plasmas & Inertial Fusion Low Temperature and Dusty Plasmas Basic, Space & Astrophysical Plasmas Abstract submission is open from to the 16th of February.

21st International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP 2024)

Ghent University, campuses Ufo and Boekentoren Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33, Gent, Oost, Belgium

The conference will address a wide range of topics in the field of plasma physics, covering fundamental plasma physics, fusion plasmas, laser-plasma interaction, plasma accelerators, astrophysical and space plasmas, applications of plasmas and plasma technology, complex plasmas, high energy density plasmas and quantum plasmas. Since the inauguration in Nagoya (1980), the ICPP has been held […]

Belgian Photonics Online Meetup

UResidence Bd Général Jacques, 271, Ixelles, Belgium

The goal of bePOM is to strengthen the Belgian photonics network, associating research groups from all the universities in Belgium working on fundamental and applied topics in photonics. It will give the opportunity to early career and established researchers to (re-)discover and learn about the ongoing research topics in the Belgian cities next-door, without moving […]

UMons Night in the museum

MUMONS Place du parc 24, Mons, Belgium

During the evening, cosmologists from UMONS will take the stage to deliver a performance like no other, one you won't find anywhere else but at MUMONS! Get ready... They will carry out spectacular calculations right before your eyes—both incomprehensible and impressive—with nothing but a large blackboard and Japanese chalk (seriously, they say it glides better!), […]

Quantum Circle Summit

Sparks Brussels Ravensteinstraat 60, Brussels, Belgium

Quantum technology isn’t just on the horizon…it’s here, and it’s set to transform industries worldwide. Join us at the Quantum Circle Summit 2024 to explore groundbreaking applications and the future of quantum innovation.   This summit will connect forward-thinking leaders like you with cutting-edge insights into quantum computing, secure communication, and next-generation sensing. Why attend? […]

Departmental colloquium Antwerp Paul Midgley

UAntwerp Antwerpen, Belgium

The first departmental colloquium of the new academic year, organised by the APS Young Minds in Antwerp. We are honored to welcome Prof. Dr. Paul Midgley (University of Cambridge) to EMAT (UAntwerp - Department of Physics, University of Antwerp). With over 30 years of experience in electron microscopy, Prof. Dr. Midgley will present a lecture […]

Colloquium – Physics meets Computer Science

KU Leuven Celestijnenlaan 200 M Celestijnenlaan 200 M, Heverlee, Belgium

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for their groundbreaking contributions to machine learning, specifically for "foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks." This colloquium will introduce the innovative work of these laureates, whose research draws on principles from statistical physics, including […]

Masterbeurs UHasselt

UHasselt Campus Diepenbeek Diepenbeek, Belgium

Beste student(e) fysica, We nodigen je graag uit op de masterbeurs van UHasselt die door zal gaan op dinsdag 10 december van 15u tot 19u. Kom kennismaken met de vervolgopleiding master in materiomics (www.uhasselt.be/materiomics) op de infomarkt op de Agora op campus Diepenbeek, waar je gedetailleerde informatie krijgt over het studieprogramma, de docenten en de vakken, de bedrijfsstage in het eerste masterjaar, de […]