Yves Caudano
Research Unit Lasers and Spectroscopies (UR-LLS)
Namur Institute for complex Systems (naXys)
Namur Institute for structured Matter (NISM)
University of Namur (UNamur)
Research associate of the Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS)
Prof. Yves Caudano has obtained his Ph.D. in physics in 2000. He is a research associate of the Fund for Scientific Research F.R.S.-FNRS at the physics department of the University of Namur (Belgium), where he is affiliated to the Lasers and Spectroscopies Laboratory. Prof. Caudano has 30 years of experimental and theoretical research experience in the field of nonlinear optics, vibrational and optical spectroscopies, and surface science.
Over the last 15 years, he has expanded his research interests to quantum optics, quantum weak measurements, and foundations of quantum mechanics. In particular, he collaborates with a multidisciplinary team who tackles foundational issues in quantum mechanics through the lens of weak measurements, post-selection, and weak values, linking quantum measurement theory, quantum geometry, quantum paradoxes, non-classical logics, occurrences of negative quasi-probability distributions, optical experiments, and philosophical point of views.
Over the years, he has also taught analytical mechanics, nonlinear and quantum optics, quantum mechanics, quantum information and measurement theory, general physics: electricity, and laser physics.